Optimizing Music Promotion On Instagram

Instagram is a perfect tool for artists to grow their fan base and promote their music. The problem lies in differentiating yourself from the vast amount of active users on Instagram. Luckily, there are proven steps you can utilize to stand out among the virtual sea of users.

Artist should practice these strategies when showcasing their work and building a following on Instagram:


Instagram's algorithm prioritizes two things: content and engagement.

What does this mean for the artist? The more you post, the more opportunities fans have to like and comment on your content. The increased engagement triggers Instagram to place forthcoming posts at the top of your fans' feeds.

You may be saying to yourself, well, that's great, but how do I influence fans to interact with my posts? The answer is simple and consists of three main components: longer captions, interactive content, and quality content.

Longer Captions – Using more in-depth captions sways your followers to spend more time reading what you have to say, and this means they are more likely to engage and leave a like or comment. 

Interactive Content – Interacting with your fans is vital to remain relevant and continue to grow. Ask your fans their favorite song of yours or encourage them to comment on who they'd like to see you collaborate with. This interaction shows fans you care, and it prompts Instagram's algorithm to favor your post, and, in return, your content is more likely to appear on the explore page. 

Quality Content – You've heard the phrase "quality over quantity," but the best approach you can take is to find the happy medium. Find the balance between keeping your followers in the loop with post updates while ensuring you don't resort to fluff content (AKA: content that exists but lacks value).


If you're like me, you too have shied away from hashtags to avoid looking like you want to spam others, but the reality of hashtags is the exact opposite!

Hashtags are a vital tool in getting your content discovered by fans, finding potential fans who will engage with your music, and interacting with other artists by conversing on a relevant topic or post shared. 

Okay, now you understand hashtags' goal, but do you know how to use them successfully? 

Amount of Hashtags – Instagram allows you to use up to 30 hashtags on each post and Instagram caption. Using the max amount of hashtags allowed does not, by any means, ensure your post is bound for success. Thirty broad hashtags in every post will add no value to your page as they're likely too obscure to get discovered. You must target a niche topic, theme or conversation to reap the benefits hashtags can provide. 

Trial and Error – See what other musicians and industry professionals are using in their posts. Collect a database of hashtags and do a rotation of them on your posts. Look at the insights and see what hashtags are working and the ones that aren't. Take note of them and continue to fine-tune your pool of hashtags.


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