Why You Should Be Excited For Future Music Festivals

“Festivals, by definition, reflect festivity and a shared sense of joyfulness.”

Music festivals have been around for a long time. They provide a unique opportunity to bring people together from all over for an experience of more than just music, and often create a long-lasting impact on one’s life. They are known as being a “communion of culture”; driving people together. 

There are hundreds of music festivals around the world that have had a cultural influence on hundreds of thousands of people. Sports, music, art, and food prove how we as humans are able to connect and overcome identities that often keep us separate from one another. That is a reason why music festivals are so popular. They offer a range of benefits and have been proven to enhance your mood and create a sense of belonging while connecting with others. 

Benefits of Attending Music Festivals

Different culture

  • The basis of culture at music festivals revolves around having a good time, enjoying yourself outside of the everyday setting, dancing to your favorite artists, and meeting new people. 

Live Music

  • Music festivals provide a space unlike a typical concert environment to view live music performances. This even gives artists the opportunity to engage more with fans.

Interacting and Bonding with Others

  • Music festivals provide an opportunity for festival goers to bond with one another through their common love of music or a specific artist.


  • Music festivals are a space for individuals to dance like nobody's watching. 

Having a good time

Festival Tips

It’ll be awhile before we can attend music festivals again, but here are some tips to prepare you for the future. 

  1. Be prepared - Take layers and enough clothes for all types of weather. 

  2. Apply sunscreen

  3. Stay Hydrated!

  4. Be Made Aware of Nearby Health Services

  5. Carry A Suitable Bag

  6. Prepare To Stand

  7. Stay Together 

  8. Have Fun!

In the meantime, there are still ways that you can enjoy music in a festival like way with virtual shows and concerts. Here is a link to some upcoming virtual shows: https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/9335531/coronavirus-quarantine-music-events-online-streams

Can you recall the last time you attended a music festival? What was your experience?


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